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‘Tis done!

Done with my LTMA course. Good or bad, is for my students to say in their evaluations but it was like nothing I have ever taught or taken.

I said at the end of the last class that teaching my entrepreneurship course is like being a tour guide at Disneyland. I know every ride, there are no surprises, virtually ever.

Teaching this was like being a rookie whitewater rafting guide in class 4 or class 5 rapids: Thrilling, but at any moment could end in disaster.

And you have to make it up, moment by moment.

The final class was no exception. The case was on Cicely Saunders’s founding of the modern hospice movement, as told by her brother, Christopher. (He’s an HBS MBA 1950 who has been a friend for several decades now.)

Christopher, now 94, attended class via Zoom as did his daughter, Kate. Kate is Chair of Trustees at the Arthur Rank Hospice in Cambridgeshire.

Christopher was tired — or the connection was bad perhaps. But his daughter filled in splendidly.

The Big Surprise was my HBS ’79 classmate, Tom Dickerson. Tom used to be a health care VC and more importantly, as he told me on a walk on Sunday, his wife had died in a hospice. So, I had invited Tom to class. As always, he was eloquent and engaging. (He is a 3 H after all).

Of course, that meant completely changing my teaching plan on the fly.

I think it – and the course — worked. But my taste isn’t everyone’s taste. Most curious what the students will say.

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